Leave some. Take some. Here are mine
>western fundies are useless, if you don't believe me look at the """art""" westoids put in their museums, their movies and their comics
>laying down junk food and devoting yourself to your art actually helps you improve because you enter more easily in the Flow State https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_(psychology)
>grayscale should just be part of the process to know where you'll put your colors, do not, I repeat, do not recycle your grayscale because otherwise your art will look muddy and westoid
>copying your favorite artists is the best way to have fun while learning
>avoid watercolor and airbrush brushes like the plague, the key to shiny sexy drawings is having clearly defined contours
>not all lines must be present in the lineart: internal lines are best represented by changes in color direction
>CSP is unironically better than any other westoid art program, unless your goal is to make unappealing and souless photorrealistic shit
>do not fall for the pen display meme, you'll just injure your hand and neck eventually, screenless tablets continue to be the best option
>follow your instinct most of the time, otherwise you won't enjoy the process
>appeal is more important than anything else, whoever tells you otherwise is a crab who doesn't want you to get any followers
>western fundies are useless, if you don't believe me look at the """art""" westoids put in their museums, their movies and their comics
>laying down junk food and devoting yourself to your art actually helps you improve because you enter more easily in the Flow State https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_(psychology)
>grayscale should just be part of the process to know where you'll put your colors, do not, I repeat, do not recycle your grayscale because otherwise your art will look muddy and westoid
>copying your favorite artists is the best way to have fun while learning
>avoid watercolor and airbrush brushes like the plague, the key to shiny sexy drawings is having clearly defined contours
>not all lines must be present in the lineart: internal lines are best represented by changes in color direction
>CSP is unironically better than any other westoid art program, unless your goal is to make unappealing and souless photorrealistic shit
>do not fall for the pen display meme, you'll just injure your hand and neck eventually, screenless tablets continue to be the best option
>follow your instinct most of the time, otherwise you won't enjoy the process
>appeal is more important than anything else, whoever tells you otherwise is a crab who doesn't want you to get any followers