>>5813559Yeah people kept saying oh ignore the left right brain tier bullshit but then if you take that out, the book has nothing. It’s only claim to fame was the left right brain shit, because the drawing examples in there are atrocious and not worth studying at all.
What’s worse is, the market for this book are the gullibles that never took a figure drawing class or workshop. If they did, they’d see massive gains - way more than the examples the book offers. Considering most people don’t draw, they’re attracted to this easy bait out of ignorance and lack of comparison to other teaching methods.
I can take a /beg/ to /high int/ in drawing in a short amount of time. Do a few bargues, do a few casts, do a few still life’s. All charcoal. Simple as. Sadly it doesn’t sound as catchy as left right brain “Science!” shit, but at least the Krenzfags are starting to pick it up. In a decade or so he’ll finally suggest they do cast drawings.