>>5809302Late, but figured I could throw my hat in the ring. I can't draw at the moment, but I can write, so here's how I practice creativity.
First, know that you will never be able to make a fully original idea these days. Thats just not possible. You cannot make something out of thin air thats completely original, because its either been done, or its really dumb. Accept that. But, what you CAN do is take two or more existing things and MAKE it original.
Secondly, to practice this, you need to be comfortable with failing. Maybe mashing these two ideas sounded great on paper, but actually seeing it, it just doesn't work. Congrats, you just practiced creativity. Be comfortable that the idea you made just didn't work, and thats okay. You can either add or take away things from that idea so it CAN work.
Thirdly, a lot of people will say "Think outside the box", but that pretty much helps no one. A better way of thinking is "Experiment with what you got." Try new things, use two of the same old things and make one new thing, or try one new thing, one old thing, and mash them together to make a thing. There's nothing wrong with taking things already made, and experimenting with this idea.
And lastly, Creativity CANNOT be done ON THE FIRST TRY. Creativity is experimenting, failing, adding or removing ideas to make an original piece. An original idea comes from failed ideas, and making it better overtime. It'll take multiple tries, but you'll eventually make an original idea come to life simply from experimenting.
Creativity is something that takes practice, no one is born with it. Just keep experimenting. You'll eventually get a result that will even shock yourself.