Hardest red pill to swallow

No.5806085 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you spent the majority of your time grinding fundies and reading a shitton of books instead of drawing what you like with a specific goal in mind, you're not going to improve or make it.
"Grinding fundies" is total horseshit. Doing Loomis heads and boxes mindlessly without thinking what you're doing will just hurt your progress and will to draw without any hint of improvement regarding finished pieces and more complex works. Properly studying what you want to improve at is fine, but if I wanted to study and get better at perspective, I am honestly better off directly watching video courses or read perspective made easy instead of just doing shit like drawing 250 boxes since I'll probably gain nothing from it. Objectively, Insight, effort and just drawing rather than reading 5 books at the same time get people farther in terms of developing systems of skills than just exercising. Mechanical ways of learning things and drawing will just slow down your improvements and make you stay a beg for much more than it is required, just look at the seven months wasted schizo. Also study your favorite artists and reference photos instead of doing shitty box and lines exercises if you mainly want to draw anime and other stylized art styles.