>>5797817It's a combination of wanting so desperately to be unique yet having the most boring, privileged, ass-kissed first-world life a person could have, so you have to resort to creating ugly homunculus characters that are based on nothing. It's worse than making nothing at all.
One important part of being a good artist is actually living an interesting life. These rich American art school people have all lived the exact same life as one another. They have no unique story to tell and they know it, so they attempt to make up for it by feteshizing ugliness in an attempt to appear unique. It is an interesting phenonemon to see how far a person will delay and shove away their own gratification (the gratification in creating a beautiful character; a joy anyone who has struggled in life can appreciate. ie no one like OP's pic) for the sake of being what they think they admired as a child.
As a "gifted" art student myself, I was lucky enough to see the evolution of these types from the beginning. these people were at one point well-aware of the fact that they offered nothing interesting in terms of experience or world view, so they made the conscious choice to abandon their own values, morals, and taste for the sake of being "interesting" in the context of the clones around them. They are the opposite of human, and should be treated like a person with a severe mental disorder.