>>5772586I assumed he meant "your platform will be dead within a year".
There will be 3 big revenue streams :
1. Ads
2. Letting users post more art without giving enough quality reviews will be paid
3. Collaborations
Never heard of them, but I'll just give the platform for fast, precise quality critiques
My platform will be proof the IP was theirs to begin with because it was there first
>>5772597Thanks, I need people to make it work though. There's going to be paid pros who'll give feedback
>>5772624Thanks for letting me know. There's a system in place that lets you only post 2 things until you make 3 good reviews (then you gain 1 post). It could be you didn't see the popup that tells you that
>>5772675I'll do my best to make sure it'll remain true to its purpose. I don't know how you want me to address criticism to make you feel better. I address all criticism, but I also have my own point of view.
>>5772681Anime=manga manga is anime comic
>>5772698Could you be more specific? Examples would help
>>5772711You're on your home screen. I'll make sure that's clarified in a small update tomorrow.
>>5772713React, nodejs, wasaby, mongo
>>5772721You can interact, just not create content