/IC/ - META thread, discussion and suggestion

No.5753606 ViewReplyOriginalReport
please, jannies, we're allowed to make at least one meta thread per board, especially when /qa/ never does anything and is a meme board.

This board is more and more shitty the more the years pass judging by my own experience and by archive browsing and it discourages so many people from posting art regularly, making this board look like what it is now, artist seething thread, gossip threads and just bullying, all of this make potentially good artists leave. /ic/ is the only board on 4chan with such a shitty attitude that i don't find in any other art board and even draw threads get infested by crabs.

Rules proposition :

1- when saying that anon's art is shit, provide a redline or post your work. This should be a fucking rule to post your work when you roast someone.

2- delete /dad/, /las/ generals it's just a gossip thread that has nothing to do with art as the dad and las respective creators don't even go on ic anymore.

3- stop talking about discord dramas or name drop in every fucking thread, kiwifarm and lolcow have specified threads to dogpile on literal who's artists.

3.5- no more fucking discord shill thread, go to /soc/

4- keep one commission or professional advice thread up, as well as an art school general thread for those who want to do contests.

5- keep art related thread, if you want to do STEM, ask on/sci/ or /g/ if you want to do crypto, do /biz/ and if you want to brag on how edgy you are or how hitler's art is good, go on /pol/ as much as lots of art is political, we need the discussions here to still stay art oriented. i feel like ic is the only board where derailing about the subject is seen as normal, i am so fucking tired to go on this board and feel like it's /trash/ minus furry porn. (and even on here I'm wrong)