>>5750760You can actually train yourself to observe forms more accurately with practice. That's literally what drawing is. You look at an object and then you look at your drawing over and over again until the drawing is a representation of what you've observed. The more differences that you can see and figure out how to fix, the better you get.
Everything you build in your imagination is made from things you have seen with your eyes. It's all a reference to the world as we experience it, so the more things you see and truly observe all the formal qualities of, the better you will be able to recall those things. You learn to observe and define as a young child but beyond reading and writing, you're not really using this skill in your daily life. That's why people stress the importance of learning to draw as a child. That's also why a large emphasis is placed on learning how do describe any given form.
It's actually important to know the definitions of these words and actively apply them by definition to everything you want to seriously observe. You are actually training yourself to use different parts of your brain to record objects.
Literally just draw from life and stop worrying about being bad.