Comfiest Media that inspires you to draw/Media you can draw to

No.5733998 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Blue period is on netflix and is a pretty good anime about what it's genuinely like to say fuck it, art it is, even down to him not being that good, with his parents retaliating, with a lot of feels that are pretty honest and accurate to, well obviously its anime so everything is exaggerated a little, but there some "damn" moments because it is an anime about genuinely just wanting to git gud.

The OP is prety nice too,
but this isn't a an anime to draw to, it's worth your attention if you are/have been into painting, i would recommend this to people who are generally averse to anime because this one doesn't fall into many tropes, and is just fun to watch if your into art.

Comic Girls on the other hand, I would only recommend if you're into anime and anime humor, because kaos is just lovable and relatable, and its just literally just, cute girls doing cute things, and this time theyre all manga artists, but somehow it comes off just funny most of the time with some genuine moments about thinking like an artist aka the self anxiety produced is perfectly captured in how ngmi kaos feels and well is, in the beginning. You dont really need to pay attention much because the storylines are simple and you can definitely draw to this one and look away and kinda retune back in without missing a beat.

Trash Taste is a pretty good podcast about three dudes talking about anime that I listen to sometimes if you're into bro out humor with funny accents.

Last is just a 10 hour loop of cuteness if you feel like drawing that long I suppose: