No.5730634 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Everyone tells me I need to unironically invest into social media or websites to make it in the modern age and that it probably even matters more than the primary art market but which one are you supposed to use?
I want one where I can post both text and images. I don't really record my work so Tik Tok Youtube and other shit like that is out of the question.
Twitter probably has the best format for this with just enough characters while letting an image get attached but it's Twitter.
It's Twitter.
Reddit doesn't allow for text+images it limits you to text or an image. It's also Reddit.
Instagram has the same problem.
No one uses Facebook or Tumblr anymore.
The rest are all obscure shit that won't take off likely because only weirdos and lolicons use them.
>Start your own website
0 money or knowledge on how to code. I'd like to maybe someday give it some cool as graphic design but not possible now by the looks of things.
What do I do?
>Post it here
Literally 0 comments on my work have been given here, ever, 0, no insults, no compliments, nothing. I'm not sure what to do here.