No.97981692 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Ben Affleck has signed on for FLASHPOINT and received an offer for JUSTICE LEAGUE 2, but won’t be in Matt Reeves’ THE BATMAN.

>AQUAMAN is in post-production. WB is confident that it’ll be a critical and commercial hit. They’ve already talked with James Wan, Jason Momoa and Amber Heard about a sequel.

>WONDER WOMAN 2 is in pre-production. Patty Jenkins, Gal Gadot, Connie Nielsen, Chris Pine and Elena Anaya are returning. The movie is set during the Cold War and will feature a new male lead with a different dynamic with Diana. Pine’s role is pretty minor, probably just flashbacks.

>SUICIDE SQUAD 2 is in pre-production, directed by Gavin O'Connor. Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jared Leto, Viola Davis, Joel Kinnaman, Jai Courtney, Adewale Akinoeye-Agbaje and Karen Fukuhara all set to return. Javier Bardem has recently been approached for the villain role. Might be rated R.

>THE BATMAN is in script development. It’s a standalone movie with no references to the DCEU. It’ll feature a new Batman, but no actors have been approached yet. Jeremy Irons and J.K. Simmons expected to return. Reeves is going for an anachronistic Hitchcockian vibe.

>FLASHPOINT is in script development and has gone through several rewrites. Ezra Miller, Kiersey Clemons, Billy Crudup, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot and Ray Fisher are signed out. They’re negotiating with Henry Cavill and Jason Momoa. There’s talks about replacing the Thomas Wayne Batman with Flashpoint’s Bruce Wayne to make the most of Affleck. Colin Trevorrow has recently been approached to direct the movie.

>GREEN LANTERN CORPS is in script development. Basic plot is veteran Hal Jordan training rookie John Stewart. No actors or directors approached so far.

>DEATHSTROKE is in early development, with Joe Manganiello set to star. Gareth Evans in talks to direct.