Welcome to berk/how to train dyour dragones carotonn

No.130158335 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a singingg filling in my stomatch taht i hve missed the golden age of DRAGONS! welcome to berk when all the 7 seasons we're were air ing woaaaah. It might have a thing to do wit h the missing of deathnut chetsnut chikcen nut sorry explication=)()(9 hiccup first aka the impossibly best character, then we have the snort guy and then snort twice guy?)(girl=)?
then snortlout and mini snortlouslt then there is the the genius who is a legend who can wrote a mini book of dragons who use it for saving the party quargters of the expetistionins and there then there is viggo the nd
- after i approppriateely tell it how every one except nerds save everyoens from certain death or more just incase no one realizes how hard it is to descripe how many occasions that is common in all the 50+ episodes no offense i thought same
sorry what do you thihnk of what i ask about missed threads threads and characters posted(do not post movie 3)