I think the most likely candidates are
>Wakko, Yakko, and Dot, since Animaniacs is getting renewed for another season
>At least one Mortal Kombat rep
>Neo, since new Matrix movie is coming out
>Green Lantern, since he is getting a direct to video movie
>Catwoman, same as above + female rep
>Furiosa, since she is eventually getting her own movie + female rep
>Shazam, getting a sequel movie
>Aquaman, getting a sequel movie
>Black Adam, getting a movie
>Flash, getting a movie
>Willy Wonka, getting a movie
>Black Canary, movie planned for her + female rep
>Blue Beetle, movie planned for him
>Supergirl, movie planned for her + female rep
>Static Shock, movie planned for him
>At least one Harry Potter rep, since that has actually been rumored to be in the works so long as things get smoothed over with Rowling
>At least one Teen Titans rep, Teen Titans Go has a shitton of viewership
>Wile E. Coyote, movie planned for him
>Jason from Friday the 13th, Halloween rep + he's still getting movies, on that same note Freddy Krueger since there seems to be interest in revitalizing him
>Lion-O, since there are plans for a live action Thundercats
>Gremlins rep, there's a planned TV series + movie
>Spear and/or Fang, Primal got renewed for another season
>Bladerunner rep, there is a Bladerunner anime on air right now
>Smiling Friends rep, if they can somehow get that to work, since it's going to get a series
>A Godzilla or Kong reference somewhere, maybe as a unique stage or something
>Dune - maybe, would have to make a deal with Legendary
>Venture Bros rep - maybe, there's a movie in the works, but it will be the finale