>>130242645Because most of the time it's still just bullshit and only exists to waste my time or to sometimes create an inferior product. It's like the dragon example I mentioned earlier. Vertebrates, apart from fish, generally have four limbs, so it would stand to reason that a dragon would also have four limbs....right?
But then why don't they ever talk about how every dragon, even the so called "realistic" wyvern based ones have wings that are too small to lift their body? Remember that little thing called the square-cube law? Lift comes from wing area, and must overcome weight. Double a flying animal's size and its wings get four times as big, but its weight increases to eight times as heavy. So the wings must get disproportionately larger to lift it. This is why that reasoning is retarded, they only even halfass their excuse. The fact is a creature like a dragon, whether it has 4 limbs or six could not exist in the way everyone depicts them, and that isn't even bringing up the ability to breathe fire.
Meanwhile, we get centaurs, minotaurs, pegasus, and many other mythical beasts and creatures without any recourse to scientific analysis. That just makes the stupidity more obvious because they're clearly selective about it.