>>3502655 : nice dubs ;> " I miss cropfag.... " ;Thanks for saying so ;
and, likewise, I miss coming here,
but I (mostly) can't be arsed wasting my time returning here (very often) if the Mods / Jannies
or moronic /cm/ regulars :
choose to arbitrarily delete my well considered (and meticulously composed) posts, for frivolous reasons, that DEFINITELY never infringed any Global (or /cm/ Board Specific) Rules
>>3502662> " Let me guess, he'd crop the porn bits? " ;No, I never did, nor did I ever post images ...
( with or without cropping )
... that could be deemed to be "pornographic" per se.
>>3502664 : lissenup; quote :> "... he'd post images in a stupid way ..." ;on the contrary, I never did that :
they always had an intellectually sound reason for being posted, as they were presented.
> "... like adding random asymmetrical transparent borders ... " ;wrong :
the transparent borders were ALWAYS symmetrical, both horizontally & vertically,
in order to precisely centre the posted image within the maximum
(1920x1080) High Definition space
available in the
( vast majority of )
posts to 4chan(nel) image boards.
> "... He'd also respond to people in needlessly long paragraphs ..." ;ludicrous - they were always composed in order to emphasise the ineptitude, of the individual they were responding to, with the optimal number of invidious alphanumeric characters
( including the mandatorily inserted & very irritating punctuation marks).
> "... in a retarded way that overused quotes ..." ;wtf are you banging on about ?
Cropfag™ posts only ever used the
quotes, punctuation marks, & English vernacular that were necessary to hammer home the point that he was intending to make.
> "... He'd also bump old threads that were at the image limit. ..." ;I guess ((you)) mean (something) like I'm doing now.
> "... Oh and he posted gifs that were like jumpscares " ;Yes, indeed !
and maybe l'll post some more if the occasion merits the opportunity.