/thg/ - Transhumanology General

No.9817193 ViewReplyOriginalReport
To discuss the philosophical school of thought known as "transhumanism" with scientific rigor.
Whilst transhumanism is perfectly adequate for its circle of influence, it is far away from being rigorous or practical. Therefore:
>The scientific study and application of the concepts of the philosophical school of futurist thought: transhumanism.

Concept thread:

Timelines of the near future:

Personal genomics:
Luxturna: A Giant Step Forward for Blindness Gene Therapy http://blogs.plos.org/dnascience/2017/07/20/luxturna-a-giant-step-forward-for-blindness-gene-therapy-a-conversation-with-dr-kathy-high/
DIY biohacking: Developing a Permanent Treatment for Lactose Intolerance Using Gene Therapy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3FcbFqSoQY
Mel Gibson on How Stem Cell Therapy Saved His Dad's Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUCJo1j0S9s

Brain Computer Interface:
A Study of Evoked Potentials From Ear-EEG http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6521411/?reload=true&anchor=authors
A brain-computer interface for controlling an exoskeleton https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/08/150817220240.htm

Some more suggestions and resources on the OP post, please.