Am I Doomed?

No.9712490 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am a freshman student in highschool attending a private Christian school. Throughout grades 1-4 I was mocked because I wasn't as fast in math as the other kids because I couldn't stop talking and climbing on random shit. Turns out I had ADHD and its all fucked My grades were ass and my teachers hated me. I transferred to the private school previously mentioned and the bullying got better. I finally received my medication. I took it for the first time and was actually able to focus normally. In two weeks I went from straight Cs to all As in my classes. I was able to do my homework and math made sense. I could focus and didn't make nearly as many careless mistakes as before. I realized though soon that my performance in academics was reliant on my meds. The thing that bothers me is this. I have a good creative mind, I can absorb knowledge and turn it into something new and I can think abstractly but the moment I am handed a test I get dick slapped because Stacy was better at adding numbers in her head. Even though she's the dumbest girl in the class she is still seen as superior. I wonder could have been had I not suffered from this fucking disorder. I basically rely on this medication so I can survive in the world because it's all based on an arbitrary number that only tells how well you regurgitate garbage your teacher fed you. Creative people get fucked in the ass because were expected to follow the same routine everyone else has. I can't survive in academics without my meds. If I run out with no way to get more I'm fucked. What do I do to be good at math while off my meds? How do I focus? Why does it have to be like this? Are there any other ADHD fags here that made it in a STEM field and if so, how did you cope?