No.9652952 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm really stupid and don't understand science and math very well, so it's hard for me to differentiate between absolutely absurd science-fiction like the technology in Star Wars or something, and realistic and possibly feasible science-fiction like in 2001.

Is cryonics a promising field or research or no? It's often a trope in science-fiction, and while I realize that we aren't capable yet of thawing out people from it, I'm wondering if there is a good amount of science saying that it should someday be possible or not. I guess I'm asking if it is comparable to our research into, say, nuclear fusion. Something that we aren't yet capable of but have been making a lot of strides towards in the past few decades.

Are we going to be able to put astronauts in freezers someday and thaw them out in the space microwave or no