Weather minpluation

No.11209630 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I think I fainlly did it, in order to make winter a nicer place in cold town you must chang some of th atmopher and ectry to surronder your whol city for miles. What you ned in a wifi antia, some good code, and airplains that can delteput the atmoshper. Beucase the sun should be white not yellow. COme to wichita nad eaime m work, I ddint detail my work beucase I know you guys can catch up. I ahve been working on this evre sense I went to hadly middle school. THe only times when its cold now is when i cloudy. I did this in Kansas because I wanted to show you guys that people that are called commoners can do whatever you can do if they try. We area ll sci nest we are all gods and devils/ IF was my ace up the hole just in case you guys started getting big heads. Now look at the weather map and try to clean your part o the atmopher and you will see when the sun shines through white like it does now in kansas you cna look at the sun it warms the air twenty degrees, the only raccoons it gets cold some is because of night, and the winter winds that blow from the north. Sci Checkmate. Now your going to bame it on global warming, I assure you it isint. Your ace aged like vinger, because you sold out to the biraocary.