When I'm cold, I'm sick.

No.10894697 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Whenever I get cold, I get a post nasal drip. Also, whenever I smoke out of a bong I get mucus in my throat. It's never normally, but either thing does it. Also, when I sleep I usually wake up having to spit out a lot. If I'm cold and smoking herbs I usually end up going thru a box of tissues in a day. People have commented that I'm a wanking addict, even though I'm not. I just got kicked out of /k/ by some jerk, but /sci/ is always nice to me and is one of my favorite websites. Even got the lyrics "S""C""I" and a whole song about science toured by a global band. I'm also an artist but I'm a scientist whenever I'm being an industrialist, whenever I'm playing detective or doing other work. Usually I'm chill and stoned but then I'm usually scientific, finally I'm rarely artistic but when I am it sells. I wish I had a picture of God to give to you all but the guy who I commissioned it to didn't want me sharing it because of his associates or my associates effect on him I don't know for certain.

TLDR: Mucus-related cold symptoms whenever I smoke, when I get cold, when I wake up, and sometimes I guess under other conditions. What organism is effecting me?