The Great Filter

No.10759254 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pretty simple really, you’d have to be an idiot not to know. No place on the timeline has a planet-wise extinction event except where humans are approaching now.

Humans are inventing tools they grow infinitely dangerous. Nuclear weapons don’t really count, because very few people can get radioactive material. AI, nanobots, and virus/bacteria gene editing however, are not limited at all. Any shit-monkey and wackjob can get ahold of the materials necessary to create a cataclysmic event in the comfort of their own homes.

The only way to prevent this is surveillance of every human on the planet, maybe by some benevolent Nanny AI. But we all know that would never happen, sentient beings value freedom too much and besides any government with that kind of power would certainly abuse it. However, the human race would not go extinct.

I believe the only way past the Great Filter is through authoritarian rule and a surveillance state. However, I acknowledge this is unacceptable to many if not most humans - therefore, our species will almost certainly go extinct when these technologies become readily available. Probably the next 20-100 years before someone tries some crazy terrorist shit.