A Reality Shifter looking for Answers

No.10568478 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /sci/, I know there's that guy who always posts threads saying he's felt a reality shift but I get them too. Mine feel different though, and have been getting more frequent.

This week I had three throughout the week. I usually find my shifts aren't just always that. A lot of the time it accompanies with major Deja Vú where I have perfect clarity over what I'm doing. The situations are the same but the places, people, etc are different. For example, I was solving a puzzle my little sister couldn't figure out and it was fairly difficult but I just knew it. I had no prior experience with the puzzle. As I went to go outside to walk the dog a bit later and car completely missed me, swerving to hit a tree. I think that car hit me previously.

To speed things up: A fire went off at my school but luckily I wasn't in that building at the time, and finally the burning of the Notre Dame triggered my "Spidey senses" because I felt a dark, sinister feeling from it and an unease. I felt like this was something that had happened before and something bad had happened.

The last three I think have related to catastrophic events in which my main "consciousness" is splitting off into the branch realities that quantum theory has hypothesized. It's a shift where the one previous "me" whom I currently am conscious of died and as such I shifted.

My questions are: How can I remember the events that happened? Is it possible to even do so? Am I simply just experiencing odd Deja Vú?

>TL;DR I shift realities and want to remember what had happened in the other ones