Are American physicians going to make less money anytime soon?

No.10218906 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm trying to get educated more on our healthcare system, and about any potential future healthcare reform (either to single-payer, socialized medical system, etc.)

I know that any sort of reform will likely drastically cut the salaries of physicians, and as someone likely entering in what will be a "transition period" when that happens, I need to know how likely it is this reform will actually occur (and by transition I mean, I will likely be in one of the generations that take in a ridiculous amount of debt and loans for medical school, and then be given a lower salary should the reform happen within the decade).

And please, no posts about anything related to motivations and priorities. For many, financial consideration is a big aspect one needs to consider, especially when committing to a lifelong career. So please, no posturing, condescension, or anything of the like of "you shouldn't be going to medicine for the salary, it shouldn't matter to you if it decreases, etc.)