Vaccine debate ends with pro-vaxxers forfeiting

No.10071812 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Medical experts talk together about the dangers and efficacy of vaccines, it was supposed to be a double sided debate where both sides voiced their concerns and science but the pro-vaccine side completely forfeited, the pro-vaxxers wanted to speak but were silenced and told they would lose their license if they did by the AAP.

The mediator host quickly turned against vaccines and even admitted "No wonder they didn't show up, they would get destroyed". It's pretty sad when you think "The science is settled" then when somebody has questions about your science you can't even give actual, informed medical professionals an answer.

Before you are quick to call vaccines perfect, answer this, why won't any of the so called vaccine "experts" debate any medical professional expert on the subject and give them an answer to their questions or even do so with the public if they want to quell these "anti-vaxxers". Hard mode: give a reason that is not "Hurr, they don't waste time on conspiracy theorists" they are medical professionals with all sorts of degrees and they are using real science and deserve an answer along with the parents.