Is there ANY point of taking neat notes at all?

No.10056183 ViewReplyOriginalReport
OK so we've all seen what girl notes look like. Pic related is a typical example from someone on my facebook. Now, obviously taking notes like this is a huge waste of time, but I still tend to feel a desire to have my notes look somewhat neat, complete, and organized, and I've been wondering whether I've been completely wasting my time. I've noticed that many people who are really adept in their discipline just don't seem to be so careful when writing notes for personal use. Maybe I should just be writing down the things I suspect I won't remember, rather than trying to be complete, and maybe I shouldn't be giving as much of a fuck about how things are arranged on the piece of paper at the end. Ultimately, the point of the whole exercise should be in my head, not on the paper, right?