Feeling Overwhelmed by Long Sessions

No.4067839 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /ic/, i don't have any mentors so maybe one of you could chime in on this.

i am a somewhat intermediate (low intermediate i guess) artist who is currently NEET so i have no obligations. i often switch between being artistically dormant and outputting low amounts of art, and also being active, where I am doing a lot of studies alongside frequent personal work. right now i am putting off a portfolio project and feeling like i only want to draw what i want to draw rather than doing fundamentals studies.

unlike my past "dormant" periods, though, i am not just unmotivated or undisciplined, but outright scared of putting in more intense efforts. when i look at my typical art "to do list" for a day (hands, feet, figures, faces, etc for warmups, then actual projects and studies) i start to become anxious to the point that it feels like im panicking and i get tight in the chest.

i'm not really sure whats wrong with me, at this rate i think im going to have to work in a sponge factory as i might just be flat out braindead. give me the artistic armchairing ic. pic unrelated