The Secret to Improving your Art lies in your Intelligence

No.3862803 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm coming to realise lately that ones ability to be able to comprehend complexity allows them to do art that breaks traditional rules and establish some incredibly impressive art.
A lot of people that seem to be able to go beyond the limitations of their work, on average, seem to be a lot more savvy and intelligent compared to the ordinary person.
It makes me realise that the main reason a lot of people in Japan seem to be so good at art in general is down to how intelligent they are.
Isn't it interesting that this country that established computer games as a valid medium in the business workforce also has some of the most intelligent programmers out there? To the point where they lead the world in robotics?
Some of the most highly influential animated pieces of media have usually originated from Japan, and a lot of us here in /ic seem to be obsessed with anime.
Most of us here have a hard time wrapping our heads around the complexity and ease the artists in their country are able to spill out form their land, and I'm thinking its down to how highly intelligent the people are.

Which brings me to wondering;
what are the best ways of improving our cognitive function to allow us to create art on a level that the Japanese are able to churn out? Practice is one key, but there is bound to be other factors involved that allow them to work smart.