No.3819126 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi, /ic/. I hesitated to make a thread and I often ramble about things, so I'll try to be as brief and informative as I can.

I'm an independent and non-traditional college student trying to get some accreditation to facilitate my hopes of getting into the animation industry as a storyboard artist/animator who can also illustrate and paint. Traditionally and digitally. But I've been really struggling as of late. I'm not sure if it's an accumulation of stress, duties, exhaustion, or general complacency, but I hardly draw for my own sake anymore, if at all the when not in class.
When I do bother drawing, I become very irritated with myself. Erasing any and all lines I put down and generally hating how my art is never what I envisioned it to be once I start. I can't even visualize what it is I'm trying to draw anymore, just a hazy blur of a rough sketch in my head. When I buckle under the pressure and give up, I just study, play video games, or marvel for hours at other's work on Instagram. When it comes to art assignments in class, I usually finish them, but they feel soulless. I daydream every minute of every day about what I could draw, what I want to, how I'll do it, and finally getting my portfolio started. I NEED THIS.

Should I just be forcing myself to draw more often to get out of this funk?
Should I study my fundamentals more? Like construction?
Should I just figured on completing my assignments?
Am I disorganized? Am I too meticulous? Too self depreciating?
What's wrong with me?

TL;DR: I hate my art process and don't finish enough of my work.