No.3604573 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>just turn 29
>have not reached all my art goals and dreams

I graduated 8 years ago from a school that specialized in comics because I thought that was what I wanted to do. Since I graduated, I moved back with parents and couldn't find much work in comics or illustration. Add the pressure of finding an actual job from my parents, and my drive to produce art went into a downward spiral. 3 years after graduating, I got a job at a slot game company as a production artist. It wasnt what I wanted to do but it was a comfy job and I could produce art on the side. 2 years into my job, I was commissioned to do storyboards for a cartoon series pitched to Nickelodeon. It was never greenlit, but I've grown a passion for it and realized my true calling should be storyboarding for animation. Unfortunately I got laid off from my slot game job almost 2 years ago. Ive been trying to find a new job, but I decided to go back to college to earn a Bachelor's degree to make me more employable. I figured I'd utilize this time to build a Storyboard portfolio.
I've gotten a few local storyboard freelance jobs here and there, but I really want to storyboard for the animation industry.

Unfortunately I'm already 29, and my boyfriend says I need to be more realistic about my career at this age. Is it really too late to achieve this dream? What can I do to make it more possible? I have some 2nd connections to some animation professionals on LinkedIn, but I'm not sure how to approach them.
