No.3530259 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys I need your help. Anybody here ever done an MA/MSc before? I'm currently doing one in Art and Technology, which has it's grounds in New Media Art but is not limited to this. My thesis is about "discerning artistic values" and focuses on artists working with natural elements or to highlight some nature conservation. How do these artists consider the initial engagement and subsequent levels of meaning between the artist, the work, and the spectator?

I myself tend to work with forms of kinetic sculpture and installations. My research so far has considered the areas of Aesthetics via Kant, which highlights the ways we perceive and subjectively acknowledge beauty according to sensori-emotive responses. I'm sure these types of questions have been asked before throughout art history, my question to you is: what are some good examples of this which can be linked into my research. If anyone is interested in helping, I can show what the work which I believe I will show to demonstrate levels of meaning and engagement. Thanks guys.