getting motivated with crippling depression?

No.2510870 ViewReplyOriginalReport
my life has been falling apart for so long now that motivation for anything of any kind is like a rare resource. i was fired yesterday and now i'm a NEET again with nothing but time. i stop any creative endevour the second it starts to feel like work. i'm losing interest in everything and now all of what occupies my time i am forcing myself to enjoy. even a competent initial level of performance can't get me to see anything to completion.

i have barely started or half finished drawings, piano pieces, programs, models, and media everywhere. i'm slowly turning into a barely sentient NPC, but my only desire in life was to be productive in the arts. at this point i just want to sleep for 16 hours a day. what can i do to enjoy the entire process of creating art, not just the end result? how can i get myself to enjoy simply drawing for the sake of drawing?
has anyone here clawed there way out of a hole?