No.98843346 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wut I'm sayin' is that Supahmahn's gottah have a secret identity, right? I mean, he can't spend all 'is time savin' blokes and keepin' 'oled up in that 'ouse of 'is in the north pole. I mean, what'd 'e do up there anyways? Watch the tele' and play poker with the 'blimmin polar bears?

Nah, wot I reckon is that 'e's really some bloke in Metropolis. I mean, that's where 'e was first spotted, right? Now I've dun a bit of a lookaround, and 'ho else just 'appened to wander in to Metropolis at the same time as Supahman did? The same guy 'ho wrote the first article ever on 'im; some rag reporter called Clark Kent. Now, notice 'ow despite being the one 'ho writes all the articles on the guy, we've nevuh actually seen the two in the same room? 'An Supahman seems to get awfully chummy with Clark's wife, which should be pretty dodgy, right? Well it isn't, because Clark ain't got anythin' to worry about, because 'e's really Supahman.