No.97056569 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Batman (1989): 17 Kills
>Batman Returns (1992): 3 Kills
>Batman Forever (1995): 3 Kills
>Batman and Robin (1997): 0 Kills
>Batman Begins (2006): 38 Kills
>The Dark Knight (2008): 1 Kill
>The Dark Knight Rises (2012): 2 Kills
>Batman v. Superman (2016): 21 Kills
>BvS Knightmare (2016): 11 Kills
>Batman Total: 64 / 75 (w/ knightmare)

>The Punisher (2004): 22
>Punisher War Zone (2008): Around 90
>Daredevil Season 2 (2016): 62
>Punisher Season 1 (2017): 65ish
>Punisher Total: Roughly 238 Kills

>Batman has 32% of Punisher's total kill count
>Has one less kill in BvS as 2004 Punisher, 10 more kills than 2004 Punisher including the Knightmare sequence
>Indirectly kills almost twice as many as 2004 Punisher in Batman Begins