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No.96871575 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sooooo, I watched all this week's episodes and....

Yeaaaaaaaaah. This cartoon totally sucks now. Extremely boring, I wonder if the creator's group has changed completely since "The Battle of Mewni".

Like, it's not about any ship wars now. Why would audience care who's with whom if they don't care about the characters anymore.

It was just lame 9 episodes of nothing. I wonder how much ratings would drop. Now it's just another mindless shitty kids cartoon. Yeah, and it turned out Daron Nefcy is a bad writer.

I observed a lot of TV, anime, book, game, cartoon series, you name it. And such a quality drop, like all the production values. It's rare. I'd be shocked if only I'd care at least a little anymore. I almost dozed off a few times while watching. That's how bad was it. During episodes till Battle, I was interested and exited, the show was really good, that's a fact.

Prove me wrong, but why would you? What I said is on everybody's mind.