Long Gone Gulch updated character designs.

!!l14ghIzAV4y No.103641388 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>You may have noticed a couple things have changed! The reason is for clarity and to make animation a bit easier. For instance: Rawhide’s glove tassels were removed, and BW’s pigtails were changed to a ponytail, this is for better character mobility and to create clearer silhouettes with the posing. Mayor Rhubarb’s mustache was shaved off as well, since it was hard to keep consistent and made his mouth a bit too busy looking. Part of good character design is making everything clear and simple. You want to add all the bells and whistles that make your character stand out but sometimes its too much and doesn’t really add anything. A simple design that stands out is usually what we strive for! Since our project is still growing and evolving we have the the luxury to change a few things like this for the pilot. Stay tuned later this month for our OFFICIAL TRAILER RELEASE!

What do you think of BW's new hairdo? Personally, I preferred the pigtails, but the ponytail was ok. If they were going to get rid of the pigtails, they might as well have just went all the way and gave BW shorthail with no ponytail.