deadpool was never good thread

No.100640478 ViewReplyOriginalReport
With the run-up to me seeing Deadpool 2, it's time for everyone's favourite (well, not mine) superhero to strut his stuff.

There's so much about Deadpool I just can't stand he's basically a marketing cheap dollar way to gather Family Guy and South Park and Superjail and Archer Fans into Comicbook shit with the worlds worst Amazing Deathstroke-man ripoff spoilers, it feels to me like all the worst of Marvel in one big sh*theap:

>1 - The Deadpool fandom contains a lot of dumb people who think Deadpool is incredibly intelligent.

>2 - The blend of insane violence and "humour" is done poorly and makes Deadpool completely unlikable.

>3 - Despite claiming to be an edgy parody, Deadpool is no different from every other Marvel movie and plays it safe.

The only real difference from any other Marvel movie is he makes child-like references to sex and says "f*ck" a lot. How clever.

I could go on, but I won't...