No.3284382 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was randomly chating at omegle until I came across with a cute German boy. After some awkward sex talk we kind of started to know eachother instead. Minutes became hours and we didn't wanted to end the conversation. We are a whole ocean apart from each other. We talked for hours and we both liked each other a lot. By the end of the day I had to leave but we wanted to keep in contact. I never showed my full face till the end while saying good bye and I regret it. I gave him my phone number but since we are so apart only his text went through, but my texts won't for some reason. I tried called but it's unavailable in my country. He told me he was going to stop using omegle and after half hour hoping to find him again I couldn't. I still have his phone number but I can't contact him until I have a better phone. I probably won't see him again. I feel empty and sad, I feel like I lost someone very important.I'm a girl, he's a guy.
Just wanted to share it with you guys..
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