/cm/ football

No.3263369 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey! Did you know /cm/ has a football team? Now you do! There's an inter-4chan board competition where boards make teams comprised of what makes up their board culture, and /cm/ is playing a match today!

The team was recently kept going and allowed to participate in the current cup thanks to YOUR suggestions and feedback, and all that effort is going to pay off here! We're playing /gif/ as the seventh match of eight today at roughly 21:00 UTC (5 PM Eastern / 2 PM Pacific). The matchday begins in just under an hour and the video stream can be found from the cup wiki at implyingrigged.info (cytube link for chat). If you want to watch the matches beforehand too to get the gist of what it's all about that'd be cool too.

/cm/'s wiki page and team is here: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//cm/

Come cheer on your favorite cute boys!