!Mjk4PcAe16 No.2298492 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Since the old one isn't bumping anymore...

Rules and recommendations:
1- ONLY screenshots from cartoons and anime. (so no fanart, concept, sketches or comics)
2- The higher the resolution, the better result, bad quality is often ignored for obvious reasons.
3- Try to get screenshots with fewer clothes or visible body contour. A good amount of crotch view is also recommendable.
- When you post a screenshot for editing all you can wait for is a penis, otherwise, specify or it will be up to the editor's choice.
- Try not to ask for many edits of the same animation, this gives more chances to other people.
- Don't start shit ("this show is ruining the thread", etc.), ignore trolls and have fun!

waifux2 (cleans screenshots, resizes them, removes noises, etc.): http://waifu2x.udp.jp/index.html

Previous thread: >>2271931