"Scientific Evidence" for Evolution is Misleading, Bait and Switch, a Lie, or Missing

No.14428346 ViewReplyOriginalReport
There is absolutely zero scientific evidence for evolutionsim and I'm tired of pretending like there is because the evolutionist zealots lash out when you challenge their narrative. They can't even defend or prove their transformism fairy tale, all they do is attack other views as if that's evidence for their doctrines (but the other views they attack aren't the subject here).

>drawing lines between similar-looking fossils/animals doesn't prove one transformed into another, it's pure conjecture
>dinosaurs have been found with soft tissue, proving conventional timelines from radiodating are flawed (not even getting into the flaws of the radiodating methods or the many assumptions made by those who use it)
>natural selection only selects from preexisting information, it doesn't have the power to change an amoeba into a fish if given "enough time", that's an assumption taken on blind faith
>darwin's finches are still finches, bacteria that mutates is still bacteria, and there's no scientific evidence that they will transform into anything "more"
>the real world isn't like comic books and capeshit, mutations don't give you super powers
>life can't come from nonlife and there is absolutely zero scientific proof that it does or can

Either scientifically prove all the baseless assertions of the evolutionist fairy tale or admit you have no real evidence and no right to call it science. Don't derail my thread if you can't.