I am absolutely in favor of censoring Joe Rogan

No.14106211 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Puting deaths aside, he and his guests seem to put risks of complications from vaccines on the same level as risks of complications from covid.
They are absolutely NOT on the same level, you are much more likely to develop health complications from covid than from the vaccines, even if you are under 50 and relatively healthy. Keep in mind this risk goes up dramaticaly if your are obese, no matter the age.
Covid is not just the flu, it actually damages your lungs and if you experience an acute form of covid, you can experience a battery of severe and long term health complications.
Now even if there is a world wide conspiracy to hide the supposed deaths and health complications from the vaccines, they wouldn't and couldn't ever match the percentage of people dead or injured from covid.

Yes, get the vaccine, even if you are under 50 and healthy.