Favorite scientist thread

No.13460831 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>extremely humble
>admits in his Nobel article that he is not quite sure of the physical meaning of anything, he just calculates
>just goes with the math, probably doesn't even know what he's calculating
>deep down knows Einstein is a hack and completely ignores relativistic motion
>only gets results because of this
>accidentaly revolutionizes the understanding of what an atom is and starts a century of hardcore theoretical physics, chemistry and material engineering
>unironically thinks wave functions collapse, no one hates him enough to call him out on this
>smiles and accepts that Bohr, Born and Heisenberg understands his work better than him
>just a very nice guy
>forever associated with cats, which are objectively the coolest animals

Who is your favorite scientist, /sci/? Schrödinger is cool.