Why medicine is the best science

No.12968621 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here’s the redpill:

Basically everything we invent is going to have an effect on us. Since medical sciences invent things that directly interact with our body they have intuitively understood that new inventions need to follow a very strict path of trials and authorizations. This can suck sometimes since today there are drugs in trial phase that are decades old in technology.

Meanwhile some CS faggot invents an algorithm and a protocol, sets up a computer and now the Web is a thing. No psychologists are consulted, no anthropologists are questioned. Some new technology is released in the wild and humanity starts using it like little lab rats, except that whatever the effects are they can’t be stopped. Voting systems in social networks get implemented by some nobody in a cubicle and the BOOM mass psychological distress hits the world because of social media.

Technological advancement is supposed to make our life better, but only in a few selected areas people need to prove it when they present a new discovery.