
No.12620450 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've seen COVID19 infection and death statistics, and also informed myself on how it works on a basic level since I dont know biology, i see that it has a super low death rate which is probably even lower since alot of infections arent reported, and the quasi totality of deaths are old people in the 60 to 90 age range, so why should people stay closed in their houses, close shops and dont do shit for all that time?
One reason given to me is to not overload hospitals, but it seems stupid to block everything just to avoid that.
The other is just stupid emotionality: "people are dying for that dont you care?".
The only reasonable one I have thinked of is that the virus mutates thanks to all the reproduction mass contagion affords it and becomes a nasty one.

But besides that I dont see why not roll the dice and just say fuck it let's open up and restart living, who dies dies.