I have a feeling most people who use this to justify racism havent read it

No.12312021 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, I read the Bell Curve out of curiosity. I knew that it likely wouldnt amount to much since it was written by a political scientist rather than an actual scientist like a biologist, but I still went into to it to see what the big deal was all about.

Anyway, the part about race is a small part of the book, its like only one chapter out of the whole book and even then, the book does claim that race determines iq. What it does do is present two arguments in a neutral manner. One that does argue that race determines iq and the other that it does not. So for anyone who claims that this book undeniably proves that race determines iq has not read this book because it doesnt even claim that.

This book obviously was meant to be controversial, but its not race realist propaganda.