Giant Serpent 120 feet long

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>It is a well-known fact, that during the Punic war [255 BC], at the [Battle of the] river Bagrada, a serpent one hundred and twenty feet in length was taken by the Roman army under Regulus, being besieged, like a fortress, by means of balistæ and other engines of war. Its skin and jaws were preserved in a temple at Rome, down to the time of the Numantine war [143 BC].
>Pliny the Elder, The Natural History, 8.14.

>The consul Atilius Regulus, when encamped at the Bagradas river in Africa, fought a stubborn and fierce battle with a single serpent of extraordinary size, which had its lair in that region; that in a might struggle with the entire army the reptile was attacked for a long time with hurling engines and catapults; and that when it was finally killed, its skin, a hundred and twenty feet long, was sent to Rome.
>Tubero, Histories

See also, Livy, B. xviii.; Florus, B. ii. c. 2; Valerius Maximus, B. i. c. 8; Aulus Gellius, B. vi. c. 3.—B.