Bells error

No.11732233 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Attached is a classical prediction for the results of Alain Aspects experiment regarding Bell's theorem. This violates the Bell inequality. It does this because Bell's theorem is wrong. In short Bell through statistical correlation equaled causation. Which is wrong. A quote from Bell follows

On the assumption that the experimental settings can be treated as free variables, whose values are determined exogenously, if the choice of setting on one wing is made at spacelike separation from the experiment on the other, a dependence of the probability of the outcome of one experiment on the setting of the other would seem straightforwardly to be an instance of a nonlocal causal influence. The condition that this not occur can be formulated as follows.

Bell is wrong. Correlation is noy causation. His inequality is bullshit. Quantum entanglement is just a manifestation of a quantum physicists inability to understand probability.