No.11609869 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The point of matter is to selfishly reduce local entropy at the expense of the environment just so it doesn't "die" by decaying into a lower structure and ultimately, useless radiation. Every single organism does this as you cannot prevent passive decay and in order to prevent decay you must move, and in order to move you must spend energy, and in order to spend energy you must recharge it by ingesting low entropy matter, and when you do that you create a net increase of entropy.

It is literally our fate to exploit the Earth and turn it into a depleted overheated barren shithole. It is our fate to repeat it with the next one, and the next one, and so on as long as we exist. The only way to prevent this is to start devolving into lower forms of life as higher entropy structures require lower upkeep, which is obviously never going to happen. Attempts at saving our environment are absolutely delusional because they cost additional energy to enforce and that additional energy will in turn rise the entropy of another region around us - to cool down Earth but maintain the level of civilization you'd need to exploit Mars and heat that planet up instead by moving industry there. You physically cannot escape from this and neither can anyone within this Universe.

The logical conclusion from this is very obvious: we're wasting our time trying to fight climate change. We should only delay it until we have the means to spread somewhere else, and once that finally happens, this planet should be exploited to the maximum in favor of the next one. Or in other words fighting global warming is pointless. Accelerating the economy so it triggers the age of space colonization is what we should be doing and the most idiotic strategy we can take right now is to impose limitations on it so that it slows down. What exactly is supposed to happen when we slow it down, we somehow overcome the inevitable and the fact that 8 billion people want to live in technological comfort?