4chan is no longer a net positive

No.11467448 ViewReplyOriginalReport
4chan is yet another medium for a long term abusive conditioning process. Imagine right now going to a board, any board, and posting about an interest you have. Maybe it's /mu/ and you want to know if anyone else is into [band] or [genre]/ Maybe it's /sci/ and it's some theory or subtopic of a broader topic. Maybe it's /g/ and it's some tech you use. Now, as you go to post take careful note of what you're actually feeling.

It's either apprehension, hardening (not talking about the porn boards here), or ramping up a readiness. This is because, you know you will be attacked. You know what this place is.

To this post people will tell me to go back to [other place], they'll say I'm weak and want a hugbox safespace and can't scale to any criticism, they'll say it's just a timewaster and not to take it seriously, many things in this vein will be brought forward. All of them are based on the same core assertion: The "mixed bag" is necessary, beneficial, and acceptable. Perhaps even ideal, good as gets. The way it should be. These things all show that they've been abused for so long they can no longer even see it. Bit by bit, the entire internet becomes the same haze of stupidity and bullshit, bit by bit this behavior becomes omnipresent. Eventually, this "mixed bag" will be all there is.

The extreme safe space mentality of some sites, and the needlessly brutal nature of some of the chans, are actually incredibly similar underneath. Eventually they will converge to the same end point. And you will only have yourself to blame. Deprecate 4chan. Deprecate bullshit. Start holding yourself and other people to a higher standard. If you don't take yourself by the reins, someone else will. If you don't use your brain, someone else will use it for you. So too of one's neighbor. Remember that.