Why there's such a denial of hypergamy?

No.11335863 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It appears that nowadays there’s a big denial of hypergamyamongst women, often labeling it as misogynistic or/and as an argument used by beta males to justify their failures. However hypergamy is widely accepted as an heritance from our ancestors, being common among most of the animals we come from. I personally consider that feminists are concerned in silencing hypergamy because we live in a society in which the most animal masculine traits are (justifiably) punishedby law, since you can't murder, hit or rape to prove your worth, while women can keep up by living like if the world owes them something. In my humble opinion, if more women considered fighting the impulses of hypergamy, we would have a generation of more mature and stable women, since most of them hide such inclinations in emotional bursts. That's just my opinion, what do you think? Can science offer any backup?